
Workout routine and Longevity Meetup

About The Event

Betahaus Hamburg Schanze, Eifflerstraße 43
  • Cost: $ 29,00
  • Total Slot: 400
  • Booked Slot: 0

This event has expired

For many of us January is the month of FASTING – reducing calories or eating no sweets. A popular form of fasting is INTERMITTENT FASTING – the IF diet, the 16:8 diet or the 5:2 diet. It is based on alternating intervals of eating and fasting.

WHY IS IT SO POPULAR? Researchers have shown that it has a positive impact on weight loss, type-2-diabetes, cardiovascular disease and: AGEING: When we fast, exciting things happen in our bodies on the cellular and molecular level: For example our body’s cells change the expression of certain genes and initiate important cellular repair processes.

We have invited a nutrition scientist and a startup to take us through the scientific evidence of fasting as well as new solutions available on the market.

Our Speakers

/ Content Writer
/ Developer
/ Office Manager
/ Manager
/ Art Director
/ Designer
Register online, get your ticket, meet up with our inspirational speakers and specialists in the field to share your ideas.

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